Baby Names No One Will Use In 2022

Baby with lotion on face

Just like clothing, names follow trends, going in and out of style depending on the year. Some names that have been popular for years suddenly fall out of use, while obscure, old-fashioned, or new names that you’ve never heard seem to become all the rage practically overnight. Nameberry has predicted a mix of fun, unique, and nostalgic names on the rise for 2022. Some notable ones include Bear, Honey, Lucky, Lulu, Benedict, Daphne, and Theo.

When parents pick out baby names, they can be influenced by clarks shoes uk anything from pop culture to spirituality to wanting to avoid names they’ve heard too much. It can be difficult to predict what will be in and out of style with all of these factors. But we’ve found some names that will definitely not be trending next year. So, whether you’re in the process of selecting a baby name or you’re just as fascinated by name trends as we are, here are the boy and girl names that will not be all the rage in 2022 — you may even wish to compare it to our 2021 list.


Baby with lotion

Angela was quite a popular name for baby girls from the 1970s through the 1980s. It even reached No. 5 on Nameberry’s top U.S. baby names ranking for 1975. But, like a lot of names that are heavily used for a few years, it’s been moving down in the charts. The Bump ranked it at No. 548 in popularity for 2021, quite a fall from its spot in earlier years, and it appears to still be trending down.

Along with Angela’s decline, a few similar names are gaining recognition. According to BabyCenter, Angelica rose 47 spots on the popularity chart from 2020 to 2021. Both Angelica and Angela have similar meanings derived from the word angel, but, brooks shoes while Angela is losing steam, we’ll probably see more Angelicas in the coming years. Speaking of angels, if you prefer something more straightforward, parents in 2022 may be dropping the suffix from Angela and just naming their daughters Angel. It has the same meaning but simplifies the name and sounds more modern than Angela.


Baby sleeping

You might be surprised to see Kobe on this list. After all, this is a name that had a massive spike in use during 2020. After the tragic death of basketball star Kobe Bryant and his daughter in a helicopter crash in January 2020, many fans recognized the NBA legend by naming their son after him. As a result, the name jumped from its place at No. 556 on the Social Security’s name ranking for 2019 all the way up to No. 239 for 2020.

That’s quite the rapid rise. However, possibly due to the name’s quick surge, it’s now falling in popularity again, according to BabyCenter. By 2022, two years will have passed since the tragedy, so it won’t necessarily be top of mind for parents choosing a name for their baby. On top of that, when names have a sudden upshot, a quick decline often follows. This is probably because many people prefer unique baby names and don’t want to follow trends.


Baby with dads

Miley is an adorable name meaning “smiley” that’s typically used for baby girls. As cute as the name is, though, it usually only makes people think of one thing: Miley Cyrus. While pop culture icons can lead to the popularity of a name, they’re equally likely to make people avoid the name. Miley was used a lot from 2005 to 2010, peaking in 2008 at No. 127, according to BabyNames. This was likely from the success of the Disney show “Hannah Montana,” which ran from 2006 to 2011. Whether parents were specifically salomon boots naming their daughter after the show’s star (Cyrus) or they simply became aware of the name because of her, it’s easy to see the correlation between the two.

However, the name has been on a downward trend since. Though it had a slight rise from 2017 to 2018 (via Nameberry), it seems to be on its way out. Though Cyrus is still quite famous, it’s hard to separate the name from the celebrity. Likely, most parents are less interested in naming their daughter after her now, especially considering the musician’s not-so clean-cut image in recent years.

Toddler playing

If you were born anytime in the 1990s or early 2000s, you probably had plenty of peers named Dillon. The name was most popular in 1992 at No. 73, noted Verywell Family, likely because of the massively popular character Dylan McKay from “Beverly Hills, 90210” (though spelled differently). The name was still quite common in the following years, though it’s slowly dropped in the years since (via Nameberry). USA Today even named it one of the baby names disappearing most quickly.

Dillon has Gaelic origins and means “faithful” (via BabyCenter). With its simple spelling and lovely sound and meaning, it might seem strange that this boy’s name is losing favor so quickly. Our best guess why is that since Dillon had its most significant moment in the ’90s and early 2000s, most people becoming parents now likely grew up with at least one Dillon in their class. With more and more parents opting for unique baby names, they aren’t likely to pick one that was so common while they were growing up.

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