Children and dogs can be best friends if adults take care of them.

A few weeks ago, a study published in the journal Pediatrics research analyzed 1646 families with children between the ages of two and five and concluded that those from families with dogs had better social and emotional well-being. Make sure they are less likely to have general emotional and social difficulties by 23%.

All sorts of studies remind us that dogs and children can build a very rich relationship for each other; they can improve physical activity, reduce the risk of allergies and asthma, stimulate their confidence, reduce their anxiety… Beyond the scope of science, There is a unique and visible magic between children and animals, an initial infatuation It’s not everyone. It’s true Some children do not have this intimacy, others may feel fear, which is often caused by adults. Some animals don’t like children’s companies.

There are many advantages in growing up with animals. Yes, many children want and require an animal, but we should not forget that the ultimate responsibility for this life is always our adult responsibility. He can’t take care of an animal, it’s us, and all of our family members have to agree that, if possible, they will be excited to think that they will come to our home.

We know very well that animals are not toys. They repeatedly tell us that they are a lifelong responsibility and a member of the family. Over the years, it takes time and time, but even knowing that, sometimes adults throw us into the pool, regardless of the depth of the water, on the other hand Scales are our children’s hallucinations.

If we don’t know if we can take care of them forever, we have to exercise restraint. Thinking and procrastination, thinking and taking action are all important education for our children, so we have demonstrated to them by our example – the best schools – the importance of thinking about our decisions and taking positive and consistent action according to our situation.

Even if he talks mainly about dogs and cats, the same applies to small mammals, birds or reptiles, because they are often the consolation prize for dogs or cats, because they do not come, and as a result they are not properly cared for, ignored and killed.

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