Loserfruit intentionally leaked her phone number, and she didn’t regret it

streamer, leak, personal information, stream, loserfruit, phone number, fortnite, cell phone

Not all personal info leaks are accidental. Sometimes a streamer intentionally gives away their contact information just to see what happens.

As a joke, Loserfruit decided to use her phone number as her Fortnite username. Her idea could have easily backfired, and the joke would then have been on her. However, Loserfruit lucked out and had a fairly good experience.

Most of the people who called Loserfruit wished her luck, even though they seemed to have butterflies in their stomachs while talking to her. The number of people who called exceeded her capacity to respond, and most were just sent to the eternal limbo that is voicemail. In fact, so many fans called Loserfruit her phone glitched out and started hanging up on people.

In a surprise twist, though, one person who called Loserfruit teamed up with her for a Fortnite match, which was actually a boon for him since he didn’t have a microphone. If he hadn’t reached Loserfruit, he wouldn’t have been able to communicate with the rest of the team.

Overall, Loserfruit’s streaming plan was relatively troll-free. One person did call her to order some Big Macs, though.

Loserfruit deactivated the phone number after the stream, so people who missed the once-in-a-lifetime chance to talk to her might not ever get it again. Still, even though Loserfruit’s idea didn’t come back to bite her, it was the epitome of the phrase, “Don’t try this at home, kids. I’m a trained professional.”

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